• Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor
  • Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor
  • Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor
  • Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor
  • Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor
  • Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor

Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor

Item no: 3500/62 163179-03

Brand: Bently Nevada

Price:$ 2300

Delivery time: In Stock

  • Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor
  • Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor
  • Bently Nevada 3500/62 163179-03 monitor

The 3500/62 Process Variable Monitor is a 6-channel monitor for processing machine critical parameters that merit continuous monitoring, such as pressures, flows, temperatures, and levels.  The monitor accepts +4 to +20 mA current inputs or any proportional voltage inputs between -10
Vdc and +10 Vdc.  It conditions these signals and compares the conditioned signals to user-programmable alarm setpoints. 
The 3500/62 monitor:
 l Continuously compares monitored parameters against configured alarm setpoints to drive alarms for machinery protection.
 l Provides essential machine information for both operations and maintenance personnel.

You can program the 3500/62 using the 3500 Rack Configuration Software to perform either current or voltage measurements. The 3500/62 offers I/O modules for three signal input scenarios: +/-10 Volts DC, isolated 4-20 mA, or 4-20 mA with Intrinsically Safe zener barriers. The Internal Barrier I/O provides external power input terminals to provide intrinsically safe power to the 4-20 mA transducers When used in a Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) configuration, you must install Process Variable Monitors adjacent to each other in groups of three. When used in this configuration, the monitor employs two types of voting to ensure accurate operation and to avoid loss of machinery protection due to single-point failures.
Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) Units are no longer available for purchase.

Ordering Information
For the detailed listing of country and product specific approvals, refer to the Approvals Quick Reference Guide (108M1756) available from Bently.com.
Process Variable Monitor
A: I/O Module Type
01   -10 to +10 Vdc I/O Module with Internal Terminations
02   -10 to +10 Vdc I/O Module with External Terminations
03   Isolated +4 to +20 mA I/O Module with Internal Terminations
04   Isolated +4 to +20 mA I/O Module with External Terminations
05   Non-Isolated +4 to +20 mA I/O Module with Internal Barriers and Internal Terminations
B: Agency Approval Option
00   None
02   ATEX/CSA (Class 1, Zone 2)
Agency Approval Option B 02 is available only with Ordering Options A 01 and A 05.
External Termination Blocks
136595-01  3500/62 External Termination Block (Terminal Strip Connectors).
136603-01  3500/62 External Termination Block (Euro Style Connectors).
3500/62 Transducer (XDCR) Signal to External Termination (ET) Block
 A: Cable Length
0005    5 feet (1.5 metres)
0007    7 feet (2.1 metres)
0010   10 feet (3 metres)
0025   25 feet (7.5 metres)
0050   50 feet (15 metres)
0100   100 feet (30.5 metres)
 B: Assembly Instructions
01   Not assembled
02   Assembled Spares
Part Number     Description
163179-03        3500/62 monitor
136590-01        Firmware IC
04425545         Grounding wrist strap (single use)
04400037         IC removal tool
136491-01        -10 Vdc to +10 Vdc I/O Module with internal terminations
136499-01        -10 Vdc to +10 Vdc I/O Module with external terminations
136294-01        Isolated +4 to +20 mA I/O Module with internal terminations
136483-01        Isolated +4 to +20 mA I/O Module with external terminations
137110-01        4 to 20 mA Barrier I/O Module with internal terminations
136973             3500/62 User Guide
01700059         Replacement fuse for barrier I/O