The 3500/15 AC and DC Power Supplies are half-height modules and must be installed in designated slots on the left side of the rack. The 3500 rack can contain one or two power supplies with any combinations of AC and DC. Either supply can power a full rack.
When two power supplies are installed in a rack, the one in the lower slot acts as the primary supply, and the other in the upper slot acts as the backup supply. If installed, the second supply is the backup for the primary one.
Removing or inserting either power supply module does not disrupt operation of the rack as long as a second power supply is installed.
The 3500/15 AC and DC Power Supplies accepts a wide range of input voltages and converts them to voltages acceptable for use by other 3500 modules. The following power supplies are available with the 3500 Series Machinery Protection System:
Universal AC Power
High Voltage DC Power Supply
Low Voltage DC Power Supply
The Universal AC Power Supply and PIM (Power Input Module) are not compatible with the Legacy 3500 AC Power Supply, High Voltage AC PIM and Low Voltage AC PIM.
The High Voltage and Low Voltage DC Power Supplies and PIM(Power Input Module) are NOT compatible with the Legacy 3500 High Voltage and Low Voltage DC Power Supplies and PIMs.
Ordering Information
For the detailed listing of country and product specific approvals, refer to the Approvals QuickReferenceGuide(108M1756) available from
3500/15 Power Supply Module
3500/15 -AA-BB-CC
A: Power Supply Type (Top Slot)
03 Legacy High Voltage DC (88 to 140 Vdc)
04 Legacy Low Voltage DC (20 to 30 Vdc)
05 Universal AC Voltage (85 to 264 Vac rms)
06 High Voltage DC Supply
07 Low Voltage DC Supply
B: Power Supply Type (Bottom Slot)
00 No Supply (Used when no supply is required)
03 Legacy High Voltage DC (88 to 140 Vdc)
04 Legacy Low Voltage DC (20 to 30 Vdc)
05 Universal AC Voltage (85 to 264 Vac rms)
06 High Voltage DC Supply
07 Low Voltage DC Supply
C: Agency Approval
00 None
01 CSA / NRTL / C (Class 1, Division 2)
02 ATEX / IECEx / CSA (Class 1, Zone 2)
Part Number Description
106M1079-01 Universal AC Power Supply Module
106M1081-01 Universal AC Power Input Module
129486-01 Legacy High Voltage DC Power Supply Module
129478-01 Legacy High Voltage DC Power Input Module
133292-01 Legacy Low Voltage DC Power Supply Module
133300-01 Legacy Low Voltage DC Power Input Module
114M5329-01 High Voltage DC Power Supply
115M7750-01 High Voltage DC PIM
114M5330-01 Low Voltage DC Power Supply
114M5335-01 Low Voltage DC PIM
01720025 Replacement Fuse (for both AC Power Input Module and Legacy High Voltage DC Power Input Module)
01720045 Replacement Fuse (Low Voltage DC Power Input Module and Legacy Low Voltage DC Power Input Module)
120M3877 Replacement Fuse Fast blow rated at 5A/500 Vac Size 6.3 x 32 mm (Universal AC Power Input Module)
131150-01 Power Supply Blank Front Panel (qty 1, includes screws)
128085-01 Power Supply Rear Input Connector Cover (qty 1) Order part 04310251 for screws.
04310251 Screw for Power Supply Input Cover (qty 2)
129767 3500/15 Power Supply User Guide
118M0915-01 Replacement connector for Universal AC Power Input Module
118M0915-02 Replacement connector for DC Power Input Module
129M0198 Replacement fuse (High Voltage DC Power PIM (Power input Module)