Not active product since 2016
The combined over-current and earth-fault relay SPAJ 140 C is used for the selective short-circuit and earth-fault protection of radial feeders in solidly-earthed, resistance-earthed or impedance-earthed power systems. This integrated protection relay includes an over-current unit and an earth-fault unit with flexible tripping and signalling facilities. These relays can also be used for other applications, which require single, two, or three-phase over-current protection. This combined over-current and earth-fault relay also includes a circuit-breaker failure protection unit.
- Combined overcurrent and earth-fault protection
Product benefits
- The most commonly used numerical protection relay on the market
Product features
- Easy-to-use relay with the most essential functions for over-current and earth fault protection
- Proven technology
- Three-phase, low-set phase overcurrent unit with definite time or inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) characteristic
- Three-phase, high-set phase overcurrent unit with instantaneous or definite time operation
- Low-set earth-fault unit with definite time or inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) characteristic
- High-set earth-fault unit with instantaneous or definite time operation
- Built-in circuit-breaker failure protection
- Self-supervision system continuously monitoring the operation of the electronics and the microprocessor