• ABB PM511V16 Processor Unit
  • ABB PM511V16 Processor Unit
  • ABB PM511V16 Processor Unit
  • ABB PM511V16 Processor Unit

ABB PM511V16 Processor Unit

Item no: PM511V16 3BSE011181R1

Brand: ABB

Price:$ 10000

Delivery time: In Stock

  • ABB PM511V16 Processor Unit
  • ABB PM511V16 Processor Unit

Futurebus+ Board

25 MHz 68040 Processor

  • 8 or 16 Mbyte Dynamic RAM with ECC
  • Hardware support for redundant processors
  • S100 I/O Interface
  • PCMCIA slot for flash memory card
  • Service tool connector on front
  • Boot PROM and SRAM
  • Description
    PM511V is a processor module for Advant Controller 450. It is designed to fitinto RF533 series controller subracks
    The Motorola 68040 processor is a 32-bit virtual memory microprocessor withan integrated floating point unit and with dual independent instruction and datademand paged memory management units (MMUs). It also has two separate4 kbyte caches, one for data and one for instructions.The dynamic RAM memory is organized as a 64-bit memory with an 8-bitcyclic redundancy check sum.
    The module has a Futurebus+ type interface with 32-bit address/data linessupporting compelled transfers.
    Distributed arbitration is used. Arbitration messages are supported
    To support a configuration with two redundant processor modules with onerunning in backup mode, PM5l1V is equipped with logic that transfers a copyofall writes in the primary processor to the backup processor, thereby keepinga complete updated copy of the primary processor's memory in the backup pro-cessor. This makes it possible for the backup processor to resume theoperation directly in the event of a failing primary processor.The module has an interface to the S100 1/0 extension bus which makes it possibleto connect it to the bus extension board DSBC 174 or DSBC 176 in a S100 1/0 rack
    The PCMCIA slot accepts flash memory cards for system software.
    The module front has LED indicators for status information, a start mode selectorswitch and an ENTER push button to manually initialize the controller.You can find the operation description of these facilities in this manual
    A label on module side gives the full identification and information of actualmemory size. Available versions are designated PM511V08 or PM511V16. 