• ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module

ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module

Item no: AI830 3BSE008518R1

Brand: ABB

Price:$ 450

Delivery time: In Stock

  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module
  • ABB AI830 3BSE008518R1 RTD Input Module

The AI830/AI830A RTD Input Module has 8 channels for measurement of temperature with resistive elements (RTDs). With 3-wire connections. All the RTDs must be isolated from ground.

The AI830/AI830A can be used with Pt100, Cu10, Ni100, Ni120 or resistive sensors. Linearization and conversion of the temperature to Centigrade or Fahrenheit is performed on the module.

Every channel can be individually configured. The MainsFreq parameter is used to set mains frequency filter cycle time. This will give a notch filter at the frequency specified (50 Hz or 60 Hz). 

Features and benefits

  • 8 channels for RTD (Pt100, Cu10, Ni100 and Ni120 and resistor) inputs
  • 3-wire connection to RTDs
  • 14 Bit resolution
  • Inputs are monitored for open-circuit, shortcircuit and has a input grounded sensor